
Friday, October 15, 2010

Quick cake recipe

This is a recipe for a homemade cake and very quick, but best of all, it has few ingredients, no need to beat too and also we guarantee that it is very easy to make and is delicious.

Another advantage is that you can introduce variations such as changing the taste, fill with jam or put a thin layer of sliced apples.

The ingredients you'll need are: 4 eggs, 10 tablespoons of sugar, even, well packed 10 tablespoons flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder and something to give the flavor.

This may be a few drops of vanilla, the juice of an orange zest of 1 lemon.Very important, do not take butter or milk in the preparation, the butter will be used only to spread a griddle to medium or small and quick this cake is not very large.

The preparation is too simple, you put in a bowl the eggs and sugar, to intermingle bats well and then add the flour, baking powder and flavor of your choice.

Bates a little more to mix everything, churns out the griddle, pour in it the mass and 20 minutes baking your cake will be ready.

To find out if you are ready enter a stick into the center comes out dry if you say that it is, if it comes with fixed mass, low temperature oven and test again after 5 minutes.

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